

“Yat Pinde Tat Brahmande”
“We as microcosm, are a reflection of the macrocosm.”

Astrology from Greek: astron, meaning ‘star’, and logos, meaning ‘the process of reasoning’, which equals Star-logic!
An Astrological chart is a roadmap of your life.
Determining the position of the planets at the exact moment of your birth allows you to understand and find out how they affect you in the present and will affect you in the future. Having this information gives you the ability to affect your destiny and make active, positive choices for your life; allowing you to take command of your future.

Realizing your hidden potential, predicting your future, and finding your soulmate are only a few out of the infinite ways science of the stars can help.

Look into your Stars for the Answer!

  • Analysis of Birth Chart based on your Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Constellation. 

  • Planetary positions and their possible effects.

  • Answers to Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How!

  • Discuss and focus on problems and issues you have in your life, whether it’s Relationships, Career Setbacks or Financial Worries.

  • Horoscope Matching

  • Remedies will be prescribed.

  • Life will begin to Look Up.

  • Payment must be made prior to the reading.

    ★ $50

    Tarot Magick
    Want to know a secret? About yourself? Tarot knows them all. And tells. Like a dream, Tarot uses imagery to plumb the dark side of your mind for half-forgotten and preconscious matter- and it comes up with startling bits of arcane treasure. Each one of the 78 cards is a metaphor for a universal human experience. Through the cards, your life is told in its proper perspective-epic and cosmic. A good read gives you a deep spiritual understanding of your emotional issues and offers guidance for life-stage transitions. It provides a framework to look at your problems and to clarify your goals. And it sends you away with empowered awareness, new courage, more insight, and flexibility. Will the Tarot cards tell your future? By synchronicity, or by accident, the cards have an uncanny way of speaking directly and wisely to your unique issues. Sometimes you will be offered a specific hope or warning, but most often you will just get good advice about how to create your own best future.

    Payment must be made prior to the reading.

    ★ $30 for 15 minutes, $60 for 30 minutes, longer sessions available.
